Exposure of local residents to agricultural pesticide drift
COPD patients: Tips for better indoor air quality

What are the sources of indoor air pollution by pesticides?

Indoor air pollution has become an increasingly important public health issue in recent decades. As we spend 80% of our time indoors, the presence of multiple pollutants in indoor air can have serious health consequences for those exposed to them, especially children and pregnant women. Among these pollutants, pesticides are chemical substances that can be present in indoor air as a result of different activities

What are the sources of indoor air pollution by pesticides?
What indoor air quality test should be carried out after work?
Testing indoor air quality: a necessary precaution when using respirators

How to improve indoor air quality for free?

Indoor air pollution combined with the time we spend in buildings can have a significant impact on our health. Reducing indoor air pollution levels is essential to living in a healthy environment and reducing the risk of diseases such as asthma and allergies.

How to improve indoor air quality for free?
What is known about the perennial PFAS family of pollutants?
EXPORIP 2021 : Results of the campaign
Agricultural pesticide pollution in homes in Europe? What is the reality?
EXPORIP: My family is exposed to agricultural pesticides!
Map of pesticide residue measurements in residents
Residents' exposure to pesticides: Pendimethalin
Exposure of local residents to agricultural pesticides: Prosulfocarb
Exposure of local residents to agricultural pesticides: S-metolachlor
International campaign to measure the dispersion of pesticides during agricultural spraying: EXPORIP
Regulation of chemical products: the weight of lobbying on the legislator
Lethality of poor IAQ, WHO figures
Toxic chemicals compromise the reproductive capacity of the population.
Focus on moulds

What are the main types and species of mould?

Scientists agree that there are more than one and a half million species of moulds, of which about one hundred thousand have been precisely identified. Only an identification by laboratory analysis can determine exactly what type of mould you are dealing with.

What are the main types and species of mould?

How can an indoor air analysis reveal soil pollution?

Housing and business premises are often built on former industrial sites. As a result of industrial activities, the soil may have been contaminated by substances dangerous to humans and accumulated pollution for several decades.

How can an indoor air analysis reveal soil pollution?

Flame retardants: In which everyday goods are they present?

Flame retardants (FR) are chemicals that are intentionally introduced (regulatory obligation) or not into a large number of consumer products to limit their flammability. They are strongly suspected of being reprotoxic and involved in the worrying increase in fertility problems.

Flame retardants: In which everyday goods are they present?

How to choose an air purifier?

Indoor pollution is an established fact, it is no longer a subject of debate, it exists because of everyday life (dust, viruses, hair), the emanations from furniture and other furnishing objects (chemical pollutants) and the contribution of outdoor pollution.

How to choose an air purifier?
Reducing the risk of COVID-19 contamination with the uHoo Air connected sensor