Establishments Servicing the Public IAQ Test

250 €

Analysis kit for indoor air quality monitoring in a establishments servicing the public according to regulatory requirements. Test carried out in a certified laboratory.

Indoor air quality is now a public health priority, and IAQ monitoring is now mandatory in some Establishments Servicing the Public, particularly for nurseries, kindergartens, primary and elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities and extracurricular activities.

When should indoor air pollutant measurements be performed?

 At the same time as the self-assessment :

This action makes it possible to anticipate the need for measurements that will certainly be necessary as part of the follow-up of the action plan. It also makes it possible to lighten and orient the action plan.

As part of the follow-up of the action plan :

This action makes it possible to respond to the need to carry out measures as part of the action plan. It can be a step in the progress of the action plan.

YOOTEST laboratory measurement solutions for Establishments Servicing the Public

The analysis kit proposed by YOOTEST allows the measurement of the 4 priority pollutants according to regulatory requirements.

Formaldehyde, benzene and perchloroethylene are sampled with passive sensors placed in the room studied for 4.5 consecutive days (from Monday morning to Friday evening).  The sensors are then analyzed in the laboratory by chromatography.

Carbon dioxide is measured with an electronic sensor with an infrared detector allowing a measurement every 10 minutes. It is carried out during 4.5 days simultaneously with the sampling of formaldehyde, benzene and perchloroethylene.

The results of the sensor measurements are extracted from the sensor using software.

What are the pollutants researched?

Two levels of analysis are proposed:


The ESSENTIAL level analysis is focused on the 4 priority pollutants of the regulation namely formaldehyde, benzene, perchloroethylene and carbon dioxide (CO2).


While regulations require testing for CO2, formaldehyde, benzene and perchloroethylene, other substances are of concern for children's health.

The INTEGRAL level analysis includes the 4 priority pollutants of the regulation as well as an extended list of other common indoor air pollutants of concern for children's health.

 What does the analysis report include?

Available within 15 working days, your analysis report :

  •  Presents the concentration of each VOC analyzed expressed in µg/m3 (microgram of VOC per cubic meter of air).
  •  Presents the evaluation curve of the CO2 level in indoor air.
  • The results of the analyses (formaldehyde, benzene and perchloroethylene) and CO2 measurements are interpreted and compared to the health reference values of the regulations.

The interpretation values are presented in the table below:



Information Threshold

Alert Threshold


2,0 µg/m3

10 µg/m3


30 µg/m3

(10 µg/m3 en 2023)

100 µg/m3


250 µg/m3

1250 µg/m3

Carbon Dioxide

1000 ppm

1700 ppm


What to do if the information threshold is exceeded?

  • Action for improvement required
  • Research, identification and elimination of sources

What to do if the alert threshold is exceeded?

  • Immediate action for improvement required
  • Research, identification and elimination of sources

What are the benefits of using a YOOTEST kit?

YOOTEST allows you to test with great accuracy the indoor air quality in an  Establishments Servicing the Public.

  • Certified laboratory analysis
  • Easy to use / no technical skills required
  • Fast delivery / Customer service
  • Prepaid return of samples and CO2 recorder
  • Results available in 15 working days
  • Simple and interpreted reports
  • Accompaniment by expert IAQ scientists
  • Complete solution with limited costs

How to use your YOOTEST for Establishments Servicing the Public?

The measurement of VOCs of concern in indoor air is carried out using passive sensors, which include the media to capture the VOCs.
CO2 measurement is performed with an electronic sensor.

These sensors must be placed in the room to be analyzed during occupancy of the premises over a period of 4.5 consecutive days (Monday morning to Friday evening).

At the end of these 4.5 days, the sensors are returned to the laboratory with the sampling form, using the prepaid envelope provided.

How many tests to use?

One ERP IAQ kit must be used per room.

Ideally all rooms in the facility (classrooms) should be IAQ tested.

It is also possible to select the rooms to be studied by groups of homogeneous rooms (same furniture, surface area, ventilation and date of renovation).

Alternatively, the study of the questionnaires allows to identify the rooms in which it is necessary to carry out a measurement of indoor air pollution.

What does the analysis kit include?

  • A step-by-step instruction manual describing the operations to be carried out to perform your VOC sampling and CO2 measurement.
  • Two passive sensors :
    The first one used for formaldehyde and aldehydes sampling.
    The second for the sampling of other VOCs, including benzene and perchloroethylene.
  •  An electronic sensor to measure CO2, temperature and humidity with a recorder and an autonomy of several weeks.
  •  A sampling sheet on which are indicated the parameters necessary for the interpretation of the results in the laboratory (place of sampling, dates and times of beginning and end of sampling, average temperature during sampling).
  •  A prepaid envelope for the transport of your samples and the CO2 meter to the laboratory.
  • The analysis of your sample by a laboratory specialized in indoor air analysis according to regulatory requirements.
  • The export of the measurements contained in the electronic CO2 sensor.
  •  A detailed and interpreted report according to the regulation's indoor air quality reference framework

Additional clause

In case of non-return or damaged return of the CO2 sensor, it will be billed at a flat rate of 500 € TTC.