Establishments Servicing the Public IAQ self-assessment

150 €

A method for assessing the indoor air quality (IAQ) of a room in an Establishments Servicing the Public. Online audit, interpreted report and action plan in compliance with IAQ monitoring requirements in a Public Receiving Facility.

Asthma, allergies, headaches, dizziness, cancer, hormonal dysfunction, indoor air pollution affects health and decreases the ability to pay attention, learn and think.

Preventing children's exposure to indoor air pollution is now a public health priority. This requires a better knowledge of the state of indoor air quality in public buildings frequented by children, the implementation of preventive and improvement actions and the control of indoor air pollution levels.

Since children spend more than a third of their day (between 8 and 10 a.m.) in a school, good IAQ is essential to prevent health risks for younger children.

Why conduct an Indoor Air Quality Self-Assessment?

Since January 1st, 2015, in France monitoring of the indoor air quality of Establishments Servicing the Public has become an obligation. This regulatory system applies today to public and private childcare facilities:

  • January 1st, 2018 for nurseries, kindergartens, primary and elementary schools, after-school and extracurricular establishments.
  • January 1st, 2020 for secondary schools (general, technological and vocational secondary schools) and leisure facilities.
  • January 1st, 2023 for other Public Receiving Facilities.


Before taking indoor air quality measurements, the person in charge of a Public Receiving Facility is asked to carry out a precise and complete audit of the different rooms of the Public Receiving Facility in order to evaluate the specific risks of indoor air pollution and to define in an action plan the strategy for preventing indoor air pollution and improving IAQ.

YOOTEST accompanies you in your obligation to monitor the quality of indoor air in Public Receiving Facilities.”

How to meet the regulatory requirement for IAQ monitoring in an Establishments Servicing the Public?

Assessing the indoor air quality of a dwelling requires knowledge of accurate information about the outdoor environment and each room in the Public Receiving Facility.

This information concerns in particular the furniture, walls, floor, cleaning, ventilation, heating and usages...

Based on the recommendations of the French Ministry of the Environment and Ecological and Solidarity Transition, YOOTEST teams have developed a comprehensive online questionnaire to obtain this information.

The interpretation of the answers allows YOOTEST experts to establish a precise assessment of indoor air quality and to propose a prevention and improvement action plan.

The action plan meets the requirements of IAQ monitoring in Establishments Servicing the Public.

What are the benefits of performing a self-assessment with YOOTEST?

The self-assessment is the first action to be taken to find out the status of indoor air quality in an Establishments Servicing the Public. It allows:

  • To identify the main sources of indoor air pollution.
  • To know how to act effectively to improve IAQ on a daily basis.

  • To identify the pollutions at risk for health.

  • To guide the choice of priority analyses to be carried out to control ambient pollution levels.

What does your Public Receiving Facilities IAQ Self-Assessment Report contain?

The self-assessment report is available within 10 days of receipt of the form and contains:

  • The interpretation by an IAQ expert of the answers provided.
  • Personalized advice on the risks of indoor air pollution.
  • Essential information on indoor air quality.
  • Action plan to prevent indoor air pollution and improve IAQ.
  • Mandatory displays to be printed and placed in the Public Receiving Facility for the information of parents.

How many self-assessments should be carried out in an Establishments Servicing the Public?

The IAQ self-assessment proposed by YOOTEST is focused on a room in the building.

It is recommended to perform a self-assessment for each of the main rooms of the Public Receiving Facility, i.e. the rooms where the children spend the most time.

If the rooms, their furnishings and the activities that take place in them are identical, only one self-assessment is needed for these rooms.

What discounts can I get for the self-assessment of several parts of the same facility?

If you perform several diagnostics, you can benefit from discounts for two or more diagnostics.

  • Between 2 and 4 self-assessments: 5% discount
  • Between 5 and 9 self-assessments: 10% discount
  • From 10 self-assessments: 20% discount