COVID-19 (SARS-VOC-2) Surface Test

700 €

Self-sampling kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces. Analyses performed by a certified laboratory. Return of samples according to UN 3373 standard.

Why perform SARS-CoV-2 detection on surfaces?

Following a biocleaning operation, the control by laboratory analysis allows to evaluate its effectiveness and to undertake corrective actions if necessary in order to limit the exposure of people to a potential infectious risk.

This complete support solution with its self-sampling kit allows the implementation of these controls.

Offices, health, industry, transport, hotels, restaurants, services, construction, ... Whether for the reception of your employees or the public, whatever your sector of activity, this test will allow you to simply and quickly assess the effectiveness of bio-cleaning.

The analysis carried out in a French laboratory uses a molecular biology technique.

The analysis includes an RNA (genetic material) extraction step, followed by an RT-PCR (Real Time - Polymerase Chain Reaction) analysis and focuses on the search for 2 specific sequences of the SRARS-CoV-2 genome.

This test meets WHO criteria and requirements.

Two types of packages are proposed:

  • 3 samples

This packaging includes 3 self-sampling kits and their analyses.

  • 12 samples

This package contains 12 self-sampling kits and their analyses.

What substances are tested for in the SARS-CoV-2 surface test?

This kit allows you to specifically look for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in your environment and especially on surfaces such as plastic, metal, wood, cardboard, fabrics, etc.

What does the SARS-CoV-2 Surface Detection Kit include?

The kit includes the sampling material (swabs), a pair of gloves, recommendations for adapting personal protective equipment (PPE) to the controlled environment, all in a suitable container that meets WHO requirements.

What does the analysis report include?

The analysis report will indicate, for each sample, the "detected" or "undetected" information.

What are the benefits of using the SARS-CoV-2 surface test?

  • Certified laboratory analysis.
  • Simple sampling to perform.
  • Fast delivery.
  • Return of samples included.
  • Results available in 24 hours after receipt of samples at the laboratory.

How do you use your SARS-CoV-2 test on surfaces?

You carry out the samples according to precise instructions which are communicated to you through a simple procedure attached to the package.

Once the sampling has been carried out, you return your samples to the analysis laboratory using the return slip and packaging (UN 3373 standard) provided.

How many tests to use?

Because viruses are not uniformly distributed on surfaces, it is recommended that a site-specific sampling strategy be defined to ensure that test results are representative.

We advise you to use 3 samples (i.e. one kit) for one workstation.

Sampling kits are also available in packages of 12 units, or 4 work centers.

Special clause

Due to the exceptional situation linked to the COVID-19 crisis, the availability of kits, the organization and the indicated deadlines may change depending on the continuity plan of the analytical laboratory, logistics services and consumable supplies.

In case of changes we will inform you by email as soon as possible.