PFAS test

200 €

Measurement of indoor environmental pollution by PFAS Analysis by a certified laboratory

PFAS or perfluorinated chemicals are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products such as non-stick pans and waterproof fabrics.

Perpetual pollutants, they contaminate our environment and are present in the air we breathe inside buildings such as our homes and workplaces.
Perfluorinated compounds are used as waterproofing and stain repellents on food packaging, pots and pans, cans and fabrics, among other things.
There are several thousand PFASs, the best known of which are PFOA and PFOS. They are now banned because of their persistence, bioaccumulative nature and toxicity to humans and the environment.

Why measure PFAS in building dust?

The environment in the vicinity of production, manufacturing and waste treatment sites is today heavily contaminated with PFAS and significant quantities can be measured in water, soil and ambient air. PFAS in the environment are transferred to buildings and people living in the vicinity can be highly exposed to these toxics.
Due to their widespread use in many consumer products, they may be present in the indoor environment of buildings and concentrate in dust particles.

What are the main health effects of PFAS?

PFAS are a family of several thousand fluorine-containing chemicals. While the toxicity of PFOA and PFOS has been studied, toxicological data are not available for other PFAS.

PFASs are not easily eliminated from the bodyThey are transmitted across the placental barrier to the embryo and foetus. 
Infants may also be exposed through the consumption of breast milk.

PFOA is classified as a possible carcinogen (Group 2B) by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The endocrine disrupting and reproductive toxicity effects of PFOA and PFOS have been demonstrated in several studies.

Which pollutants are tested in the YOOTEST PFAS Kit?

The test kit measures 12 of the most commonly used PFAS in industry.
The list of analysed PFAS including PFOA and PFOS in a PDF file available at the bottom of the page.


What are the advantages of using a YOOTEST PFAS kit?

YOOTEST allows you to test the quality of your indoor air with high accuracy.
Selected pollutants are measured in the laboratory using state-of-the-art technology to ensure measurements below the international health reference values for the most hazardous air pollutants in indoor air.
- The test can be used by anyone, dust collection is very simple to perform and does not require any technical or scientific expertise.
- A step-by-step instruction manual describing the steps to take your indoor air sample with the unique identifier of your test.
- Prepaid international return of the sample is included in your kit.
- Your dust sample is analysed by a certified laboratory selected for its expertise in the analysis of PFAS in dust.

Available within 15 working days, your analysis report :
- Presents the concentration of each PFAS detected expressed in ng/g (nanogram of PFAS per gram of dust). This is compared to statistical reference values and allows you to interpret the level of PFAS pollution in your home or office.
- Provides toxicological information on the PFAS measured.
- Proposes simple and effective solutions to improve the quality of your indoor air on a daily basis.
- Presents the main technologies available to purify your indoor air.


What does the YOOTEST PFAS kit contain?

- A step-by-step manual describing the operations to be carried out to perform your sampling.
- A hoover nozzle equipped with a filter to collect the dust sample.
- A sampling form on which are indicated the parameters necessary for the interpretation of the results in the laboratory (sampling location, dates and times of sampling, etc.).
- A pre-paid envelope for the transport of your dust sample to the laboratory.
- Analysis of your sample by a laboratory specialised in the analysis of PFAS in dust.
- A detailed and interpreted report with advice on how to improve the quality of your indoor environment.

How to use your PFAS test?

PFAS contamination of the indoor environment is assessed by measuring PFAS in a dust sample taken from the selected room.
The sampling device included in the YOOTEST PFAS kit consists of a nozzle to be attached to the hose of your hoover.
Once the sampling is complete, the filter is returned to the laboratory with the sampling form and using the included pre-paid envelope.

How many tests do I need?

It is essential to test for PFAS in the rooms where you spend the most time: bedroom, living room, dining room or office.
Children's rooms should be given priority as children are much more sensitive to the effects of PFAS.
A test should be used for a maximum area of 60-80 m2.