Générations Futures Pesticides Campaign: EXPORIP 2023

15 €

Kit for sampling pesticides deposited on a glass surface. Interational Campaign for the Measurement of Agricultural Pesticide Residues. Analyses by an independent laboratory. Participatory Science.

Générations Futures and YOOTEST are jointly organizing the first national campaign to study the drift of agricultural pesticides, "EXPORIP" for "EXPOsition des RIverains aux Pesticides".

The first step of this campaign is to set up a sampling campaign on glass surfaces in order to collect a sufficient number of samples to be representative of reality.

During spraying, a large part of the pesticides is diffused in the air and can drift over long distances. Over time, they are deposited on surfaces (soil, walls, roof, windows ...).

The windows are a suitable material to take a sample to measure the pesticide residues deposited after a treatment:  

  •     Elements common to all buildings
  •     Vertical surface
  •     Smooth and delimited surface
  •     Contact with the outside air

What does the sampling kit contain?

The sampling kit makes it easy to collect a sample and send it to the laboratory for pesticide residue analysis.

  •     A step-by-step manual describing the operations to be carried out to take your samples
  •     A sampling form to indicate the parameters necessary for the interpretation of the results in the laboratory (location of the sample, dates and times of sampling, etc...)
  •     A memo card to keep with the kit identifier
  •     A wipe to take the sample on the glass
  •     A polypropylene tube to store the sample
  •     A prepaid return envelope (Metropolitan France)

When to take your sample ?

The calendar of phytosanitary treatments varies according to the type of crop (vine, fruit trees, cereals...) and the weather conditions.

Usually, most of the treatments take place during spring (March), summer and early fall (September). Samples should be taken during this period.

To obtain a representative measurement, it is advisable to take the sample between early April and late September.

The sampling should ideally be done a few days after the observation of a treatment with phytosanitary products. This can be visual (spraying in progress, suspicious deposit on the windows...) or olfactory (chemical smell...).

If there is no indication of phytosanitary treatment, take your sample at least one month after the last cleaning of the window.

Step 1: Collecting the sample

  •     Choose a window, if possible facing a spreading area.
  •     Mark out an area of 50 cm x 50 cm on the window to be collected (you can use tape to mark the area).
  •     Open the bag containing the wipe and unfold it completely.
  •     Make a first pass from top to bottom (vertical) on the entire area.
  •     Fold the wipe in half with the removed side inside.
  •     Make a second pass from right to left (horizontal) over the same area with the folded wipe.
  •     Fold the wipe in half a second time with the removed side inside.
  •     Make a third pass from top to bottom (vertical), still on the same area, with the folded wipe.
  •     Fold the wipe in half a third time with the removed side inside.
  •     Roll the wipe up and insert it into the polypropylene tube provided.

Step 2: Complete the information needed to interpret the results

An information sheet is provided in the sampling kit. It must be completed as accurately as possible and returned to the laboratory with the sample.

YOOTTEST also provides an electronic sampling form whose address is indicated on the information sheet.

Step 3: Shipping to the laboratory

Return your sample, the sampling form and the questionnaire to the laboratory with the prepaid envelope provided.


What happens next?

The analysis of your sample is performed by the YOOTEST laboratory by chromatography and mass spectrometry to search a list of 30 active ingredients among the most used in France and authorized in agriculture.

Click on the link to consult the list of analyzed pesticides

All the results of the analyses will be presented in a synthesis report. This report will be made public and distributed to town halls, authorities (Ministries of Health, Environment and Agriculture, Regional Health Agency, ANSES), deputies and senators, concerned associations and the media.

The anonymous results will be available online for all citizens who are the first ones concerned.

The sampling kit alone costs 15€ plus 10€ for shipping.
The sampling kit includes the return of the sample to the laboratory. By sending your sample to the laboratory, you contribute to the common effort and will receive the synthesis of all the results of the measurement campaign.

 If, in addition to the results of the campaign, you wish to obtain your individual analysis results, specific to your sample, then you will have to pay the cost of your analysis, i.e. 135€ (in addition to the cost of the sampling kit).

In this case, you will receive not only the synthesis of all the results of the measurement campaign but also your individual analysis results in an interpreted report.